Happy New Year! But, before we start on a new journey, let’s take one last look over the shoulder at 2019.
The Cornerstone Blog was busier than ever – over 70 posts and national reports.
We looked at the the recruiting scene in depth. We reviewed changes in organizational strategy in 2019 and the rise of Corporate Social Responsibility. Then we followed up with a five-year summary of Women in Leadership, the latest in Agile Talent and a $150 billion company committed to enabling a fossil-free environment within one generation.
So, before you get all wrapped up in new issues, refresh your memory on the old ones, knowing they will all be back again.
Wishing you a happy, healthy and rewarding 2020!
Chris Allan
We began the year as usual with situation reports from our members around the world. This summary links to 10 Western Europe countries out of the 21 we reported.
China Steps Up Control of Pharma Market
First of several excellent reports on the world’s second biggest Pharma Market by Eric Bouteiller in Cornerstone Beijing, lead of our Life Sciences and Health practice group.
The Flip Side Of Executive Search – Are You Fit
So much of the executive recruiting process revolves around the hiring company resolving whether the candidate can continue to meet expectations in the long term. What about the reverse, asks President Larry Shoemaker? A top talent is equally concerned about the company he may join.
Cornerstone Santiago Keeps Pressure Up For Women Leaders
Diversity & Inclusion is a driving issue for many members, particularly Elena Terol in Spain and Alejandra Aranda in Chile. Here is how Alejandra persuaded 10 of her peer search firms in Santiago to sign a 10-point Code of Good Practice on Gender Diversity Management
Leadership Integration is the new Executive Onboarding
We undertook rapid and massive expansion of our executive coaching services in 2019. This recommended read is the third article in a series “When Do You Need an executive coach”? Nashville coach Ginger Duncan explains how yesterday’s “onboarding” has become “Leadership Integration” and not at all the same thing.
Executive Headhunters vs Recruiters
Know the difference between an executive recruiter and a headhunter? The Editor steps up with the answer. Each year, we publish many posts on the advantages of Retained Search over Contingency. It remains a leading topic and our E-Book on the issue is our most popular download.
Where Is your Business Heading?
In mid-year we released a major Cornerstone report on shifts in organizational culture. The report was driven by Heinz Wester of Cornerstone Stockholm and examines the impact of disappearing boundaries both internal and geographical.
Need a new Executive in a Hurry?
In woodworking shop they tell you to “do it right, not over.” Same goes for recruiting. In any business, the organization is only as good as the people running it. So, while tools such as AI can speed up the recruiting process, don’t forget your guiding consideration is the future of the company.
The Key to Recruiting the Best Candidates
This is a fascinating look at Vattenfall, one of Europe’s largest electricity and heat providers with revenues over US$150 billion and 20,000 employees. After 100 years, it is re-inventing itself to enable fossil-fuel-free living in one generation.
Leadership Strategies Are Only Real When You Apply Them
In isolation, a theoretical strategic choice is practically useless, writes George Bradt of Forbes Media. It’s not real until you apply resources and capabilities. And it’s not worthwhile unless the application of those resources and capabilities create more value than you invest.
Women Leaders and the Broken Rung
Forecasters predict it will take at least another 30 years – an entire new generation of working women – before gender parity becomes a reality in USA businesses. D&I expert Anne Glenn of Cornerstone Atlanta tells us the gap comes at the very beginning. For every 100 men promoted and hired to manager, only 72 women are promoted and hired. Thus begins a path of disparity.
Executive Search in 2020 – No More One-Offs
Having and keeping the best talent managing the business has emerged as the single most important element of business strategy. A big trend, says The Editor, is the move from on-demand engagement of executive search professionals to the forming of partnerships.
Forming an expert relationship with a talent specialist removes an uncertainty from the team building. The skills and knowledge of the search firm contribute value in new ways: consultation on the make-up of the team leadership; where are we going? How do we get there?
With a search partner, you can fine-tune the employer value proposition, seen by many as the greatest challenge in building top teams.