Cornerstone International Group – Kansas City explains tips on how to Recruit and Hire Senior Level Executives by knowing where to find top-tier talent. The other day my daughter yelled from her room and said she couldn’t find her sweater and asked if I could find it for her. I told her to check her shelf (where I would have put it) or the top of her dresser or the floor. She checked all of those places and still hadn’t found it.
Later that day, my husband was standing in front of the refrigerator with the door open and announced, “Well, it looks like we’re out of ketchup. I don’t see it anywhere in here.” I told him to look in the door on the second shelf. “Nope, no ketchup”, he says.
You know what happened next, right?
I went into my daughter’s room and immediately located her sweater. It was, you guessed it, on her shelf. And then I looked in the refrigerator and, though it wasn’t in the door, there it sat on the bottom shelf.
Ok, so where am I going with this?
These situations reminded me of a client who had exhausted their efforts to locate a candidate for their executive opening.
We talked with the client, fleshed out the parameters, went into the market and ultimately found their perfect candidate. And get this…the candidate was just two floors away in their same building!
That’s where partnering with an executive recruiter pays off. We bring a fresh set of eyes, a different network, a proven process, and fresh motivation!
You might have looked and just not seen it. You might not have looked in the right place. You might have exhausted your resources (and yourself) and now need a dedicated partner to look for you. Let’s be honest…it happens to the best of us…we’ve all lost sight of the forest because of the trees.
So the next time you can’t find your sweater, the ketchup, or the best candidate for your executive opening…give us a call at (913) 341-7655. We can help!