Believe it or not, I’m getting ready to celebrate my 11thyear as an executive recruiter. I joined Michael Shirley Associates in October 2006 and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my professional career.
Boon is Good For Candidates, Executive Search is Great For Companies
You know the old saying, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat”. While this is true, common sense tells us that some ways will be more painful and exact a greater toll than others. Enter “Boon”, a new online recruiting site. In theory, this is a great idea and, in some cases, may […]
Tips for Management and Investing in Leadership Development
The original founder of my firm (Cornerstone-Kansas City), Michael Shirley (previously Michael Shirley Associates), recently spoke to a group of executives to advise them on the process of selecting executives for their organizations. One of the key comments from that presentation was: “The first rule of management is…Don’t send your ducks to eagle school.”
Why Hiring an “Experienced” and “Seasoned” Executive is Beneficial
Dan Heiman, Cornerstone – Kansas City’s President and Executive Search expert has interviewed thousands of seasoned, experienced professionals, some of which he considers professional “rockstars”. Heiman encourages client companies to be open to the benefits of hiring very experienced Candidates, no matter their age.
Why 2017 is the Best Time For Job Searches
Kansas City – January 26, 2017 – A recent Gallup poll shows 50% of Americans think this is the best time of all to find a quality job – only days after the inauguration that ended one of the most bitter presidential elections. It is the most optimistic result in 15 years of polling.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
During this season of thanksgiving and anticipation of the birth of Christ, it’s a GREAT reminder of how truly blessed I am to be associated with so many good people because of my work.
Our Clients and Other Things We’re Thankful For
For the past several years, at the suggestion of one of my brothers in Christ, I’ve woken up early on Thanksgiving day, grabbed a cup of coffee, and written down all that I’m truly thankful for.
Why You Should Stop Saying “If I Were You”
I frequently joke that it’s best to “walk a mile in the other person’s shoes.” Then, if you don’t understand or can’t help, you’re a mile away….and you have their shoes. ?
The 2016 CIG Global Conference – Lima, Peru
As many of you know, I’m a member of the Cornerstone International Group (CIG) which is a network of independently owned and operated executive search and leadership consulting firms just like mine that operate in 66 different locations all over the world.